OWS News - Original War Released

By: stucuk on 24 July 2024 7:03 pm

Original War has been released.
- https://owsupport.com/files/beta/OWPatc ... 11.337.rar
- https://update.owsupport.com

Bug Fix: Dedicated Server crashes on start
Bug Fix: Self Destruct does more than 1 tick of damage
Bug Fix: Crash when getting weapon name
Added: Exclamations volume setting (in-game only currently)
Added: NOFPSSLEEP parameter
Added: SAIL constant f_full for filters
Added: GetBuildingCapacity SAIL function
Bug Fix: OWorkshop bug with some pngs causing it to crash
Changed: Critter xicht forground images can now be transparent
Changed: SAIL list sorts now use quicksort
Improved: Removed more memory leaks
Added: Ability to select monitor
Added: Ability to select sound device
Added: Borderless Fullscreen Window mode
Added: ChangeMissionObjectives_Silent SAIL command
Added: Custom Random Environments to editor
Added: Custom SAIL Constants to editor
Added: Editors gallery select avatar screen now shows ID and Voice
Added: Message box to SAIL editor for errors and messages that happening during compile
Added: SAIL stats window
Bug Fix: destroy_unit - Access violation (Issue #674)
Bug Fix: AM11 - PlaceUnitArea (Issue #675/#676)
Bug Fix: Save image missing when F2 is used rather than menu (Issue #677)
Bug Fix: Fixed dots in savegame names
Changed: OW will take most settings from eset.ini rather than owar.ini if they exist
Changed: Video Subtitles now use Language used for Text
Improved: Faster at creating window and overall loading
Improved: Improved editor mod selection window
Improved: Most SAIL commands which have unitid as input will handle out of range ids
Updated: Classic Menu now on more recent version

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OWS News - Original War Released

By: stucuk on 14 January 2024 10:22 pm

Original War has been released.
- https://owsupport.com/files/beta/OWPatc ... 10.333.rar
- https://update.owsupport.com

Bug Fix: Multiplayer map Exposed has missing oil and siberite deposits
Bug Fix: Commpanel could be updated too often if PC has been on for a month or more
Improved: Optimised code for checking what professions units in a building can change to
Added: Profiler to Editor and MTV (USEPROFILING param to enable)
Added: New multiplayer map Exposed (by Gwrhkhsh)
Bug Fix: Double Laser Stays connected to other Double Lasers even when ownership changes (Issue #672)
Bug Fix: Vehicles fire at previous target after capture (Issue #673)
Changed: SetBLevel sail functions maximum blevel increased to 20
Changed: Multiplayer balance changes (Gattling Gun damage reduced, Rocket spread reduced)
Improved: Added error message if sail has stack overflow
Improved: Cranes will now animate on a turret when inuse
Improved: Minimap maximum resolution increased
Added: New multiplayer map Tripwire Ridge (by Gwrhkhsh)
Added: Log Launches setting added to Dedicated Server Manager
BugFix: Apemen Soldiers cause lag when shooting [Issue #671]
BugFix: Fixed Four to Win's King of the Hill gamemode
BugFix: Map and Gametype names not being reloaded when language is changed in settings
Changed: Multiplayer balance changes (Gattling Gun damage reduced)
Changed: Map and Gametype lists are now sorted
Added: Show/Hide changelog on main menu
Added: Keyboard Shortcut System (GUI not added yet)
Added: class_horse, class_mastodont and ru_behemoth constants to SAIL
Added: New multiplayer map Fire in the Hole (by Gwrhkhsh)
Added: Kill'em all game mode added to Mudbath
BugFix: Fixed selection issue with edit boxes
BugFix: Identify tool not loading constant information
BugFix: Error dialogs not being handled when compiling all SAIL
BugFix: Dialogs not being closed when compiling all SAIL
Changed: Reduced amount of Tick Requests sent to server for the same ticks
Changed: Screenshots now saved as PNG
Changed: Increased maximum Tech Requirements from 2 to 20
Changed: OW will load GameInit on campaigns if campaign specific folder exists in Data folder (AM, RU, AR, etc)
Changed: Editor will auto generate and use Insight_gen.dat if Insight.dat does not exist
Changed: Middle Ground and Mastodons Trail disabled
Changed: Multiplayer balance changes (Gattling Gun damage increased and Rockets have added spread)
Improved: Mudbath and Mountain Labyrinth GBI
Added: CUSTOMSGUIRES parameter to set the UI to a different size than the main game
Added: LUA Weapon System (Allows modders more control)
Added: More SAIL Event descriptions for editor (By Serpent)
Added: Limited Teleport setting (Not currently in UI)
Added: Copy and Paste for Conditions and Actions in Editors Local Configs window
Added: Hover2 vehicle movement (Like Hover but allows movement on non passable hexs)
Added: VOLLEY setting for weapons (Weapon fires X times and then waits for delay)
Added: ACCURACY setting for weapons (sets the miss chance and spread)
Added: NOBLOCKMOVEMENT for environments (Allows units to stand on environments)
Added: CommPanelCommand and UpgradeStarted events to SAIL
Added: Create_ColdMeat, Destroy_ColdMeat and SetUnitAttackType functions to SAIL
Changed: Vehicles and Buildings can have 3 attacks
Changed: Units with ICON parameter now have nation backgrounds
Changed: Increased max Environments from 100 to 200
Changed: Increased max Upgrades from 50 to 500
Improved: In-game scrolling smoother (increased update rate)
Bug Fix: Fixed issues relating to loading some WAV files
Bug Fix: Fixed keyboard shortcuts
Bug Fix: Fixed Queued lab research not using future states
Added: Add f_tag to SAIL Filters [Issue #669]
Added: Hold Fire mode, mods can add via new button
Added: Item Charges to units, allowing comm panel buttons to be disabled when unit has 0 charges
Added: Map Start event to SAIL, fired when map starts or save is loaded
Added: OW_GAME_TICK variable added to lua so mods can use it to display current time on ui
Bug Fix: Apes can attack people inside buildings (through the building) [Issue #670]
Bug Fix: Alt key menu causing issues (Built in windows feature if you don't tell it you handled the alt key)
Bug Fix: Editors profile select included mod name in the profile name box
Bug Fix: OGV videos which are not divisible by 16 in width or height were incorrectly rendered
Bug Fix: OGV videos without sound channel would crash OW
Bug Fix: Oil and Siberite mines can eat people
Bug Fix: Targetable SAIL No Unit button command now sends selected units id (if one is selected)
Changed: Mod Setup Creator upgraded to use FastMM4 with increased memory limits
Added: List of Building in Active Area menu option to editor
Added: CLOTHES setting for people.txt
Bug Fix: Prevent editor from allowing larger environment objects to be placed in areas they should not be allowed
Bug Fix: Fix for locking cutscene speed which failed on some maps
Changed: Mods can now have more than 3 difficulty levels for missions
Changed: Dedicated Servers ran by the Dedicated Server Manager will terminate their process after completing a match
Added: Artillery Weapon Type
Added: Select and Death sounds for human units can now be set
Added: New SAIL Events - CommandUnitXY, ClassChanged, TakeMaterials, SailEventCustom
Added: New SAIL Functions - SetBuildingStage, IgnoreSideSettingsCRC, RaiseSailEventCustom, SetCanUseMines
Added: System to regulate ticks for multiplayer games
Added: Ability to reveal secret achievement descriptions
Bug Fix: Reduced memory leaks
Changed: Increased Upgrade Levels from 3 to 10
Changed: Waves can now be rendered with shorter paths
Added: Ability for GroundAnim fps to be set
Added: Custom Animation for units
Added: Head turning while no activity
Added: Targetable SAIL command
Added: Ability for vehicle weapons to not allow construction based on controller type
Added: Option to disable Original War from centering your view in multiplayer when there is a Siberite Explosion
Added: Multiplayer map WRI files can now have options disabled
Added: Skinned chat box
Added: Added mute player to chat box
Added: Added limit cursor into ingame options
Changed: Multiplayer map options are now ordered based on their position in the WRI
Changed: Vehicle and Building backgrounds are now seperate for easier modding
Changed: Editor no longer tries to use Original War folder over OWP files
Changed: Increased max GroundAnim amount
Changed: Dedicated Server Manager overhauled
Changed: Trees changed in Mudbath multiplayer map
Changed: Fish removed from lake in Flags multiplayer map
Bug Fix: Workshops no longer get disabled when there is no power
Bug Fix: Fixed bug which crashed dedicated servers when reading certain map WRIs
Bug Fix: Multiplayer Ape script fixed
Bug Fix: Removed bots from recipients
Bug Fix: Fixed lua error in options
Bug Fix: Potential fix for issue with spectator bar when not all players are showed
Bug Fix: Missing bot ready texture (for MP room)
Added: Multiplayer and Skirmish Map Name now shown in Steam Status
Added: Save and Backup option added to Editor
Added: GetModINIParam Sail commands
Added: Past error into Error log (for better tracking)
Added: Replacing layer for Russian interface (Fixed issue when polish had alaskyt instead alaskit), also now replacing EON to TAWAR and other pairs in different languages
Added: Buildings editor (buded.exe) now can export images of all buildings, also there button for ping background without shadows
Changed: Icon system (vehicles and buildings) - Now is shared between all nations (with own background) and in better quality
Changed: Arabs have own background on panel units
Changed: New horse portrait
Changed: Restored original Campaign units balance
Improved: Pathfinding now able to find longer distance do routes
Improved: New diplomacy offers (redesign)
Fixed: Environment causing building not to be placed on map load
Fixed: SetSide sail command now effects Behemoth's weapons
Fixed: Achiev's scrollbar issue (infinity scrolling)
Fixed: firstSettings - when changed language cause error, also caused flip classic-modern texts
Fixed: white texture in some places after start the game
Fixed: Polish text (dialogs and subtitles)
Removed: all "/alaskite" from all language from command buttons and hints texts

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OWS News - Merry Christmas!

By: stucuk on 25 December 2022 7:57 am

Merry Christmas!

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OWS News - Merry Christmas!

By: stucuk on 25 December 2021 7:16 am

Merry Christmas!

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OWS News - Original War 2001-2021: 20th Anniversary Documentary

By: stucuk on 15 June 2021 7:44 pm

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